Grapevine Unity (GVU) is a group of Alcoholics Anonymous registered with A.A. World Service.
- We meet 7 days a week with 3-4 meetings a day. Visit our meeting schedule to find a meeting.
- We’ve been at our current location since December 2016.
- We are part of District 61 in the Northeast Texas Area 65 (NETA), which is one of the 93 delegate areas of A.A. in the United States and Canada.
- We have Open & Closed meetings in a variety of formats:
- Newcomer/Beginner
- Discussion
- Literature Study (Big Book & 12×12)
- General Speaker
- Step Speaker
- Men’s
- Women’s
- Anniversary
- Newcomer/Beginner
- We offer a variety of service positions for members to become involved in the group & A.A.
- We have members with long-term sobriety as well as members within their first 30 days.
Attend meetings and decide if you want GVU to be your home group. The fill out a member card with your name and phone number and you will be added to the GVU member list.
Get involved in making decisions for the group
- Make a motion on a decision you want considered.
1) Submit it 5 days before the meetings of the GVU’s Steering Committee (SC) and the Group Conscience (GC), which are on the third Sunday of each month. Until the room is reopened, email your motion to the GVU secretary, Dena, at A motion needs to be clear and concise with an author; a beginning and end date; and, a cost amount involved, if any.
2) Attend the next SC and GC meetings* to answer questions about your motion.
- Attend the SC meeting (5 pm) and GC meeting (6 pm) on the third Sunday of each month.*
1) If you (a GVU member) want a say in decisions affecting GVU, you need to attend the GC meetings. All GVU members are also invited to attend the SC meetings. Only the elected SC members, however, can vote and only on whether the motions submitted are clear and in compliance with the 12 Traditions. The Group Conscience – that is you as a GVU member – votes on the motions.
2) If you’ve made a motion, you must attend both the following SC and GC meetings to answer questions about your motion.