Here are some of the most asked questions found in and around A.A. meetings worldwide. If you have a question (and answer) you would like added to this page, let us know by going to our Contact Us page and send it to us. Thanks!
Many people think it is because of the suggestion that newcomers develop a relationship with and believe in a “power greater than themselves.” The word God is often used in our literature, but our founder, Bill W., was very clear in his writings that each person is given the opportunity to develop THEIR OWN conception of a power greater than themselves. He even goes as far as to define “spiritual experience” in the Appendix on page 567 of our book, Alcoholics Anonymous, as a “personality change sufficient to bring about recovery from alcoholism.” It is often said by members that A.A. is NOT a religious program, but a spiritual one.
This is the phrase often used to refer to A.A.’s “basic text”, Alcoholics Anonymous. It is a book that contains the foundation to our program (in the first 164 pages) along with a handful of personal stories of members worldwide who have recovered from alcoholism (or as it is often referred to as a “seemingly hopeless state of mind and body”).
Grapevine Unity has books for sale at each meeting. Just ask the chairperson of that meeting and they will help you get one.
A sponsor is someone who has walked the path of recovery and has experience, strength and hope to share with another member (often times a newcomer) of how the 12 Steps have helped them recover from alcoholism.
There are many ways to find one, but at the beginning of most GVU meetings, members willing to offer sponsorship are asked to raise their hands. You could secure a temporary sponsor from any of those people. It has been suggested to many new A.A. members that one of the best ways to find a sponsor is to sit in meetings and listen to people share. When you are listening to someone share their experience and it makes you feel good or resonates with you, ask THEM to be your sponsor.
OPEN meetings are for any interested in learning more about A.A. and the illness of alcoholism.
CLOSED meeting are for any person who has a desire to stop drinking.
While the median age of most GVU members would not be considered “young,” there are many members who are young at heart and would welcome younger members into the group. We are growing by leaps and bounds and look forward to welcoming new young people into GVU. The disease of alcoholism does not discriminate by age – and neither do we! 🙂
Check out this A.A. pamphlet made especially for young people!
Tradition 3 states that “the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.” A.A. has no dues or fees, but we are self-supporting declining outside contributions. Grapevine Unity is sustained by the financial support of its members (and other members of A.A.).
The beautiful part of A.A. is there are no mandates of any kind (only suggestions). A new member can attend as many meetings as they wish, but it is a strong suggestion found within the Fellowship that newcomers attend “90 meetings in 90 days.” This is suggested primarily so that a newcomer to A.A. can be exposed to the Fellowship in as many ways as possible, and through as many people as possible to secure a foundation in this new way of life.
A home group is an A.A. group that members join to help solidify their participation/foundation in the Fellowship. A home group is that group of people who get to know you and help you as you are navigating your journey of sobriety. It’s often heard in the rooms of A.A. that “if you don’t have a home group – you’re homeless.” We’re here to help make GVU your A.A. home in any way we can.
There are several ways to get involved at GVU:
- Attend one of our monthly Steering Committee meetings to express your interest
- Check our Service Positions section of this website to see what positions are available
- Contact our GVU Secretary by filling out our Contact Us form and your interest will be forwarded to them.